locally grown, 100% organiic, chatgpt-free stand-up comedy
Welcome to the Lady Mondegreen Comedy Podcast
Hello! My name is Philip Ogren and I live in Boulder, CO where I perform stand-up comedy from time to time. I’ve been recording my performances over the years and am excited to share them with you in a podcast format. I hope you enjoy them!
I just want to listen to the podcast. How do I listen to it?
Simply click the listen button which will take you to a sampler podcast which has two episodes that you can listen to without subscribing.
How does it work?
If you want to subscribe to the podcast, then send me a few dollars by clicking the yellow subscribe button above. I will get an email notification and add you as a subscriber. This is a manual step for me, so it won’t be instantaneous. Wait a day or two. Once I add your email to the list of subscribers you will get an email from hello@castos.com subject “You’ve been added to Lady Mondegreen Comedy Podcast”. The email has everything you need to listen on the Castos player or your favorite podcast player that supports private podcasts.
I donated money, what do I do now?
After I get a notification that you have donated I will get an email notification and add you as a subscriber. This is a manual step for me, so it won’t be instantaneous. Wait a day or two. Once I add your email to the list of subscribers you will get an email from hello@castos.com subject “You’ve been added to Lady Mondegreen Comedy Podcast”. The email has everything you need to listen on the Castos player or your favorite podcast player that supports private podcasts.
What do I get?
Technically, you get a URL for an RSS feed for the podcast.
I am going to release episodes every two weeks until I run out of material that I think is worth sharing. My goal is to produce 26 episodes. My commitment is to deliver at least 15 or more episodes in 2025. If this podcast generates enough money, then hopefully I can convince other local comedians to let me use recordings I have of their material and be able to pay them.
Are the episodes going to get better and better?
No. If you don’t like the two episodes in this sampler, then move on.
Are the episodes going get worse and worse?
No. The two episodes are not necessarily my best material, but I think they are representative.
I’m having technical difficulties of one sort or another. Help!
Believe it or not, this is the first private, subscriber-only podcast I have ever tried to launch and I’m not very tech savvy with WordPress (website) or Castos (podcast hosting). I have no idea what kind of problems you might run into. It would be extremely valuable to me if you would please let me know what difficulties you have had, how you resolved them, or how I can help. Please contact me using the email address on your donation receipt or contact me through my linktree page.
Who is Lady Mondegreen?
This podcast is dedicated, in loving memory, to Lady Mondegreen who was tragically and senselessly (and, in fact, mistakenly) murdered by the Earl of Huntly and his thugs. To learn more about her timeless contributions to comedy, please read the following Wikipedia page about her good humor: Lady Mondegreen
Can I listen to the podcast on Spotify?
Nope! Sorry. The complete list of podcast players that can be used can be found here.
Are you sure I can’t listen to the podcast on Spotify?
I know it’s confusing because the sampler podcast is on Spotify. Spotify is great for public podcasts but doesn’t support private podcasts. The full podcast is private.
Will you use my email address to send me Lady Mondegreen Comedy Podcast related spam?
Absolutely. Think of it as part of your payment for the podcast. I intend to send one email every two weeks (at most) to announce new episodes, where I will be performing, and other local stand-up comedy news.
Will you sell my email address?
Never. But, seriously, the hubris here. I betray my visions of glory just by addressing the question….
How do you expect your podcast to go viral if it’s behind a paywall?
I don’t. And I figure a paywall is just the thing to make sure it doesn’t. I don’t need everyone I know or have ever known to be one click away from all the stupidest and silliest things that I’ve said that I thought were funny. Much of the content is very personal and “not safe for work” besides.
What is the podcast rated?
This podcast has not yet been rated by mature audiences, but is intended for them. My goal here is approximately PG-13. Yes, I use the F-word and other cuss words. Yes, I joke about a variety of adult subjects that may be inappropriate for young listeners.
Will there be singing? (Please no…)
Yes. There will be so much singing.
Do I really have to pay for this?!
If we know each other and you want a free subscription, then send me a text or an email and I will be happy to add you free of charge.